
Aug 20, 2021 | 0 comments

Those chills of excitement when the waves are pumping:)

A warm-up or pre-game routine is always helpful and an excellent tool to get you hyped and ready to jump in for a free surf or competition heat.

Introducing mental preparation into pre-game routines helps to:

1. Integrate mental skills into competition
2. Bring in a focused, confident, trusting mindset
3. Stay focused on execution in the present moment
4. Review a strategy or game-plan in one’s mind
5. Separate one’s life from sports – entering the role of the athlete

Want to create a pre-performance routine or integrate mental skills to improve your existing warm-up?

Contact me. Here to support you in your journeys✨✨✨



#Surfer #Athlete #Surfing #coach #mentalgamecoach #lifecoach #improveyourmentalgame #reachforyourdesires #achieveyourgoals #daybyday #mentalskills #skills #skilldevelopment #neverstoplearning #practicetoimprove #sports #athletes #freesurf #competition #trustinyourskills #motivation #focus #confidence #execution #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #beyourbest #pre-performance routine #pre-game routine

Posted By: Janice

Be the Champion You Can Be

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